Saturday, December 12, 2009

What a Great Week

I don't know where it came from and I'm not sure I care, but my mood is good and my energy level is outstanding.

This week I walked four mornings and did something every evening and made it to Friday without being "Friday tired."

Monday - went shopping at the Mall
Tuesday - Master Composter dinner and wreath making
Wednesday - more shopping at the mall
Thursday - worked late and ran errands
Friday - ran more errands and came home and cleaned (a little)

This morning I wasn't sure what to expect, but my energy level was still fine. I cleaned early, went shopping and ran errands from noon to 4 and now I'm baking cookies and I feel great.

I guess the methotrexate is working or maybe it's the vitamin D. I don't know, but I LOVE it.

Monday, October 19, 2009

The Weather Kicked My Butt

We had almost an entire month of rainy or overcast weather. It wreaked havoc on my PA. I didn't get the burning in my knuckles. This time it was my knees, ankles and foot bones that took a hit.

The pain in the lower half of my body is different from the burning in my knuckles. It's more of an ache. Sometimes I don't think of it as a PA thing. I thought it had more to do with the shoes I wore walking. But I finally had enough so I took several doses of P and I was 95% better in the first 24 hours. I took two pills for two days, and 1 pill yesterday. I'll take another today and then cut to half a pill, then half a pill ever other day. I really want this pain to go away this time.

I'm not sure what the M is doing. I would say not as much as I would like since I have to take the P, but maybe I just need to give it time.

To be honest, this sucks.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Upgraded to the M

Saw the Dr on Tuesday, 9/29. She wasn't as pleased with the last 4 months as I was.

I left her office last time empowered to help myself if a flare came along. I knew that when it happened I should take 20mg of P for two days. I did it three times in the last 4 months and I was proud. I'd managed my PA.

When she asked how things were going I told her my story. Turns out I wasn't managing my PA, I was managing my flares. In truth, we don't want any flares.

She decided to upgrade me to M - chemo for arthritis.

Then she asked how often I'm taking Celebrex. Twice a day. If I don't, my bones pay for it. I get very sore. She wasn't too happy about that either. When she heard I had to take Celebrex twice a day, she said she didn't feel bad about putting me on M.

Although I picked up the prescription on Wednesday, I just took it today. It's a weekly drug so I wanted to take it on a day that felt logical to me. The weekend seemed right. I'm also a little afraid of a reaction. DH was away this weekend, I waited until Sunday when I know he will be back. This way if I have a reaction, he will be around to help. I'm headed to church so hopefully it will happen before church or long after so I'm not in the middle of the service if it hits.

I was sad Tuesday. I feel like I just took a step up the ladder. At the top are the biologic drugs. I don't want that, but I just went a rung closer.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Vacation and a Weather Flare

I was on vacation the week of Labor Day. I guess it went so well, I didn't think to blog.

Since my husband worked that week, it was mine to do with as I please. Tuesday I did yucky things like get my teeth cleaned and my hair colored and cut. Wednesday I had an enjoyable day of "retail therapy" with my friend Joy. I didn't buy a darn thing, but I still had a good time.

Thursday it started to rain and it rained for a solid week off and on. On the upside, I was forced to slow down and just enjoy the rain and take it easy on my time off. On the downside, I think the weather brought on a flare.

I didn't notice the burning knuckles as much as very painful ankles, feet and hips. This flare definitely hit the lower part of my body.

I finally broke down and took 20mg of P for two days and it seems to have helped.

Vacation did wonders for my mood. I'm back to my happy self.

This weekend DH and I bought a camper. I'm hoping there are many restful weekends in my future.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Wahoo! It's Saturday and I'm On Vacation

Even though I slept until 7:30 this morning, I feel great. My hands don't hurt. My mood is good. I'm ready to do something. Clean house, go shopping, things I normally don't want to do on Saturday morning. Now I just need to capitalize on that.

I was in a decent mood most of the week. Any bad moods this week were attributable to my husband. While not fun, at least I know why. Not like the Monday Funks I've had recently.

This is going to be a good week.

Monday, August 31, 2009

No Monday Blues

No Monday blues today. I actually feel great. My hands are little sore, but I'm busy at work and I feel like I'm accomplishing things.

I was an emotional basket case this weekend. This sounds familar. I need to check my blog a couple of weeks ago to see if I can find a correlation.

I cried in the middle of Petsmart because of the adoptable puppies. I cried when I got home because I was tired. I woke up from my nap CRANKY and wanted to cry for no reason.

I didn't want to go to church on Sunday, but went anyway, then cried because I didn't want to be there.

I wasn't mad at God or DH. I was just mad. Thanks to both for being patient with me.

4.5 days to vacation.

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Experiment - Day 12

I didn't even wait until today to take the P. I started it yesterday. I was really hoping 20mg would fix the issue, but looks like I'll need another 20 today.

Getting back on the Celebrex apparently doesn't fix a flare once it's started. On one hand I really want to give my body time to work on the flare, but I understand (I think) that joints could be in the process of being deformed every minute I allow the flare to go on. So I broke down and took the meds.

I have figured out I have to take Celebrex twice a day. Even my feet and ankles started hurting on the one a day. That seemed to get better by just increasing the dosage back to two pills a day.

I also have psoriasis on my elbows. Both of them. It's worse on the left than the right. The left is the one that usually gets it. I think that came about Monday or Tuesday.

I'm having less stomach trouble by taking the Celebrex with food.

If I do another test, it will be to see about a 2-1 schedule for the Celebrex. 2 one day and 2 the next. But that's a while away. I got get my body back in order.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Experiment - Day 7

Well, it's possible I'm working up to a flare. I woke up Saturday and my hands hurt a little. Could also be because I slept longer than usual. It felt really good to sleep in.

I went ahead and took a morning Celebrex to see if that work help. It certainly didn't hurt.

It's weird though because I wake up and my hands are curled up like they are trying to make a fist and my knuckles are burning. I'm not clenching my fists, it's just that this seems to be the "natural" position. Sort of a default position. I try to lay my hands out on the bed or may leg open, but when I wake up again it's back to the fist. I don't pay much attention to their position when they don't hurt. I guess I need to.

Right now, I'm holding to one Celebrex a day. If by Wednesday I still have the slight burn, I'll go back to two Celebrex a day. If by Saturday, I still have the slight burn, I'll do the P.

It's another cranky Monday. Apparently no amount of weekend rest can prepare me for 5:30am Monday morning.

Friday, August 21, 2009

Experiment - Day 4

Still feeling good. I'm a little tired today, but it's Friday, that's nothing new.

My eyes are driving me nuts today. Could be allergies. I'm out of my allergy medicine, but I'm picking it up after work. Hopefully that will help.

Overall, I'm in a good mood and looking forward to the weekend.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Experiment - Day 3

I'm in a much better mood today. I think resting from walking on Wednesday really helps. I felt better yesterday and didn't mind walking today.

No pain yet. It appears cutting the Celebrex is not having an affect. My stomach hasn't been bothering me either. That's good news.

I've also cut my intake of iron. Not completely, but to only what I'm getting in a multiple vitamin. We'll see what that does.

Just noting, I have a calf cramp today that is just lingering. It's not bad, but on verge. Like it could knot up any minute. Not sure what's going on there. I'm not taking P right now.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

A Little Experiment - Day 1

I feel like I've been very whiny lately. I'm still cranky, but I'm not going to focus on that now.

Over the weekend, I realized my stomach regularly bothers me after meals (starts out whiny), then I read an article or saw something on the internet or TV about NSAIDs causing stomach problems. Actually, I think it was a commercial for Celebrex that got me thinking, then I did some research.

Come to find out, Celebrex can cause stomach problems. So, I decided to cut back to one Celebrex a day for a while to see if my stomach issues go away and if cutting back will affect my PA.

I skipped my pill this morning and so far so good. HaHa.

I also read that taking Celebrex with food is better. I've been taking it in the morning long before breakfast. And before bed, long after dinner. I'm going to try taking it with food and see if that helps.

I'm sticking to the two a day regime for the Plaquinal. Need to renew my script for P in case this experiment goes awry.

Now for the crankiness, it's not DH, it's not really work. I think I just need a break. Sure wish it was cool enough to go camping.

Monday, August 17, 2009

Second Monday in a Row

This is the second Monday in a row that I would say I have the "Monday Blues." I'm exhausted and we didn't do anything this weekend that would warrant that. I didn't take the dogs for a long walk, I did take a long nap on Saturday. Sunday was pleasant, things to do, but not rushed and restful at the end. I made serious knitting progress.

I do not understand why I woke up this morning on the wrong side of the bed.

I tend to miss my vitamins on the weekend. I've about convinced myself that the exhaustion comes about when I don't take my iron. But can you miss a day or two and go that far south that fast?

Something to think about.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Feeling Good

I think I have a touch of the Monday blues, but all in all, I feel excellent. No pain, not tired. I'm happy - satisfied with life. It's all good.

I made it through the stress of the funeral with no flare. Granted it wasn't my father that passed away, but I could have let DH stress me out, but I didn't.

Exercise if going well. Got new shoes. Work is busy, but not overwhelming.

Definitely counting my blessings.

Monday, August 3, 2009

No Flare Yet

The folks at work have been so understanding about my being off with DH.

The flare may not materialize. I've been a real slug and I think the rest may have paid off. I've got no burning in my joints. That is such good news. Now to focus on getting my energy back and being there for my hubby.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Up, Down, Up, Down

I'm predicting a flare, but I'm hoping I'm wrong. This one caused by stress and being tired.

We drove to Mom and Dad's Friday, took the long way through Stillwater (memory lane) so it took 7 hours. Once we got to Mom and Dad's the dogs were ridiculous. Baby Girl drooled all over the place because she was scared of the other dogs. Most under 10lbs. So I've was worried about her.

Sleep was rough Friday night on a hard, double bed. I napped until noon Saturday - ridiculous. Then in a cranky, lack of Diet Coke induced fog, I went to town. Fortunately, I got mostly done what I needed to do because around 3pm Marshall called and his Dad died (not unexpectedly, but still difficult). Rush to see Grandma (97 and still kicking) then home to quickly pack, then 6 hours of silence to get back to Big D.

Stop off at Marshall's dad's house at 10:30pm. Dogs were much better. Most people were cried out. Except Marshall. Home at midnight. TIRED. Up at 6am. I really wanted to go with Marshall to the funeral home, but he understands. At least he says he does. I don't know what to do. There is such a group of people going.

Marshall really wants the boys here. Don't know if FA is going to cooperate. It's going to be a blood bath if the boys don't get to be part of the funeral.

When is the funeral? Don't know.

Work is busy. Family comes first.

Stress, whine, tired. Yup, I feel a flare coming on.

Monday, July 27, 2009

Feeling So Much Better Today

Even though it's rainy outside, I'm feeling good today. No stiffness to speak of, no burning knuckles.

It was a productive although not particularly restful weekend. In fact Saturday, I was a bit of an emotional mess. Crying for no reason in the middle of the grocery store. I think I was just tired.

I slept late on Sunday, late for me, and drank coffee with Marshall on the back porch before heading to church to refill my spiritual tank. I ended up going to the 11:30 service because on my way out of the neighborhood, Monica caught me and told me Michelle had tried to commit suicide. Come to think of it I was an emotional mess on Sunday too. Mostly because I'm not sure how to deal with that kind of information and honestly, I'm not that close to the family. I prayed.

Last night was good. The storm came in, the cable went out, and I went to bed at 8:45pm. I got plenty of sleep. Maybe that's why I'm so good today.

Friday, July 24, 2009

Tired...So Tired

I took 20mg of P last night to see if I could kick this flare. I'll take another 20mg tonight in hopes it will be gone. I do think the pain is better today, but I'm exhausted. Could be walking 4 days in a row and working long hours this week though.

Other things to note with this flare
itchy eyes got better when I took the P. They've been driving me crazy this week.
it's green pill week, but I didn't get the usual headache.
rainy-ish weather this week.
Cooler weather overall
Hectic at work and a bit stressful

Thursday, July 23, 2009

I Think It's Another Flare

My knuckles are burning again. Just started in the last couple of days. I also noticed Ps on my elbows Saturday.

After the last dose of P. I noticed I wasn't as tired and my mood was much better. I'd been in such a funk. When the flare ended so did the funk.

I noticed this week the funk is coming back as the week wears on.

Saturday we had a run in with a dog. The dog attached Baby Girl and it was very stressful. It was almost like the Ps popped up on my way home. Then the painful knuckles. Don't know if that stressful event caused it, but I'm making note.

We didn't walk Monday, but now we've four days straight and that makes me tired. That could be contributing as well.

I'll take P tonight to try to knock it out. I'm not messing around this time.

I'm empowered to take care of myself.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

I'm Feeling Better

Even with the stress covering for Courtney last week, I'm feeling better this week. I took the P and the pain subsided some. Last week I noticed I was tired. I haven't been taking my iron and B-12 the way I should so I started those back up last week and it seemed to help. Even this morning when I was in the shower I thought, "I might have the energy to go to knitting tonight." That's when I knew something was helping.

This past weekend was very nice. Even though we were out and about, I was relaxed. I didn't want to just sit at home and that is a fabulous feeling. When I came back to work, I was rested.

That's nice.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Took the P

I am exhausted today. Exhausted. Like I haven't been in a while. That and the burning in my knuckles pushed me to go ahead and take the 20mg of P. I'm really hoping that will knock this out.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Making Progress - Sort Of

I'm making progress, but I'm far from pain free. I've decided to hit the 20mg of P for the next two days. I'm not sure what I expect, but I don't think I'm there.

GerryG, thanks for the comment. I'm new at this and need all the help I can get. Fortunately, I'm not to the point where I need a biologic yet and I want to keep it that way.

Friday, June 26, 2009

It's Official - It's a Flare

I mentioned my symptoms to a friend with RA at knitting Tuesday and she said I was a having a flare. I know what that means, but I wasn't sure what to do.

I decided to call the Dr. and move my appointment. They got me in today. The Dr. confirmed it's a flare. At first she was saying, "it's the weather." Then she told me it's a flare. Come to find out the weather can cause a flare.

I'm a bit hesitant to self medicate because I'm just not sure what I'm doing, but the doctor encouraged me to manage this myself. She gave me a steroid shot to jump start the process and said if the pain doesn't go away in a couple of days to take 20mg of P two mornings in a row. She also suggested this for the future. Anytime I feel a flare coming on.

She took blood and I'm scheduled to go back in 3 months.

I hope this stops the pain because pain = joint degeneration and I don't want that.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

My Knuckles Are Getting Worse

My knuckles are getting worse. They were so "hot" this weekend, I actually got some ice water and soaked my hands. Interesting thing, my hands cooled off, but my knuckles continued to burn.

I also noticed psoriasis on my elbow. And I have wart type things on my fingers. They aren't your typical "I kissed frog" warts, but sometime back that's what the dr. told me they were. They look more like blisters or the start of a callous. They eventually crack, peel and go away - after some pain and discomfort.

I have an appointment with the dr. late July, I may see if I can move it up.

I did knit a lot of lace this weekend. I guess that could be a contributing factor.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Could it be the A/C?

I woke up last night and rolled out of bed. I had to stand for a second and let the pain (3) in my ankles and feet subside. It took longer than normal, but not as long as so many people deal with.

I'm still baffled as to why this has come back up. Well, I have a theory. What if it's the A/C? I thought warm weather would help the pain, but it's not warm in my house because the A/C is on...hmm.

One detail contradicts and that is that I got out of a warm, almost hot bed.

Wait, that makes think. What if it's the heat. With the weather, it's been a bit warmer in the bed. I don't like to sleep uncovered so even though I'm hot, I still like to cover up. Maybe it's because I'm too hot.

Temperature changes are about the only thing I can think of that have changed in the last two weeks.

It might rain today and that doesn't seem to be affecting how I feel.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

What's Up With My Knees

Ok, today I can "feel" my knees. They haven't bothered me in a while. I did come up the stairs this morning. Maybe that irritated them. I took two Advil. Hopefully that will help.

I've increased my water intake, back to the normal level. The past couple of weeks it's been down. I guess I've been too busy to refill my cup so I go without. I'm hoping this will help with the joint pain.

Monday, June 8, 2009

No News is Good News

So that must mean bad news if I'm writing.

Not so much bad, but something to note so I'll remember when I go to visit the Dr. My hands have been achy in the mornings. Almost like I'm sleeping with my fists clenched all night. I'm not even sure achy is the right word. It's just they are more noticably there.

It's hard to explain. You know you have feet, you know they are there, but when you are laying in bed, you don't "feel" them. Unless, of course, something is hurting them. But I know my hands are there because I can "feel" something going on with them. It's my knuckles really. On a scale of 1 to 10 it's a 2, more of an annoyance then pain, but it concerns me.

There's a burning feeling, sometimes it's an icy burn, but it is not strong.

The thing that's throwing me this time is I haven't really been working with my hands. When I pull weeds or garden or knit for long periods of time, I'm expect this feeling. But I noticed this Saturday morning and nothing had happened the prior week that would cause me to feel this.

I noticed at the end of last week I was tired. Tired blood tired. Similar to when I first started my PA journey. The medicine has made me feel pretty normal. I started thinking OK, what's changed.

  1. It's gotten hot. I figured heat would be better than cold, but maybe not.
  2. I've not been as faithful about taking my vitamins. The lack of B and iron could increase the fatigue, but would that make my joints hurt.
  3. I was STRESSED for the two to three weeks prior and last week was not stressful. Maybe the let down of a non-stressful week let the "bad" creep in.
  4. We've also not had a restful weekend for about 6 weeks. There's always something going on. Fortunately I've felt like going and doing. I would not have felt like that a year ago. But maybe I'm wearing myself out.

I guess I need to be a better blogger and see what I can track.

I went to bed at 8pm last night so I feel pretty good today.

What happened this weekend. JJ's graduation party Friday night, all morning lawn mowing Sat. Pedro and Margret's babyshower 5pm-9pm, Crystal and Ricky 9pm to 1:30am, Breanna Sunday, at the hospital to see Marshall's Dad, then grocery shopping and home to unpack it while Marshall took Daniel home. No wonder we went to be at 8pm. Not a minute to rest.

I'm hoping for a more relaxing weekend next weekend.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Really? I'm Tired Already

Yup, it's Monday at 9am and I'm sitting at my desk tired. We did walk this morning and I haven't eaten so I hope that helps.

Not much pain at all walking this morning. It's cold (upper 30's) and windy. More of the same tomorrow, but it's supposed to warm up Wednesday.

What hurts? My neck. Ankles are good though.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Tired Week

I was so tired this week. Finally I took a Tylenol PM Wednesday night to help me sleep. A whole pill was a bit too much. I was in a fog the first half of the next day. I slept like a baby though. It was good.

It's also green pill week and I have a sinus infection. Lots of things working against me. I wish I could take a nap today, but napping tends to backfire on Sundays. A sliver of TPM will put me out tonight and hopefully start the week off strong.

I don't recall any abnormal pain this week. Just the normal stuff.

Next week is a short work week and we're going camping for three days. That three fabulous days of relaxing. I cannot wait.

Friday, March 27, 2009

Name It and Claim It

I don't remember how long I tolerated the soreness, I blamed the pain on my weight gain. The limping was bad enough that others commented. I tossed back it was age catching up with me. I was 40 afterall

I do remember how long I felt exhausted. Thanksgiving 2007, I had so many plans, things I wanted to do around the house, but I was just to tired. Not sleepy, not even exhausted, just tired and unmotivated. During my well-woman exam several months later, I told my dr. that it was like my blood was tired. The blood slugged through my veins. The tiredness came and went, but my blood work showed I had autoimmune disease. Dr. Randi recommend I see a Rheumatologist.

I'm not usually one to mess with my health, but this felt like a suggestion rather than a strong recommendation. They left this news on my voicemail rather than having a conversation with me, so I didn't give it much thought. I was back in the dr's office because of a shoulder problem a few more months later and this time she recommended to me face to face that I go see the specialist.

I was still in denial about what was going on. There are two kinds of sickness, those you get over and those you don't. Initially I thought this was something that I'd take medicine for and it would go away, now I realize, it's mine all mine.

I started seeing Dr. Ali about 6 months ago. She is a feisty woman. She's sharp witted and sharp tongued. I love her.

Without scaring, me she made me realize this was not something I could ignore. We started to find a remedy for my pain.

She put me on Prednisone and Celebrex. I'd been tired for so long, I was a new woman when the Prednisone kicked in and I got my energy back. I told a friend with RA how much better I felt and she told me it was a Prednisone high.

The high must have lasted for 4-6 weeks. Some of the side effects eventually include increased appetite. Since you have to go in for frequent bloodwork when taking Prednisone, I saw Dr. Ali once a month. At the one month visit, she asked how I was doing on the medicine and I said fine. She asked about my appetite and I was fine. She said, "Good, the medicine is working." The next month, I told her I was hungry all the time and she said, "You don't need this medicine anymore."She switched me to Plaquinal (not sure about the spelling.) and I continued with the Celebrex. I dropped the Celebrex dosage to one pill a day. I didn't think I really needed two.

All was going OK. I didn't think the Celebrex was helping so when I ran out, I didn't hurry to refill it. About the time I switched to one pill and then ran out, the pain increased daily. We went to First Monday Trade Days in Canton for my birthday and by the end of the day the pain in my ankles was almost unbearable. I walked like Frankenstein because it hurt to flex ankles. Putting my weight on them was another exercise in pain. The morning walks were another form of torture, by the time we were on our way back, my feet felt like they were on fire. The pain was in every joint in my foot. Pain everywhere. Finally I refilled the Celebrex prescription, still not realizing the connection with the pain, but I went back to two a day to "catch up" - totally self-medicating, but Dr. Ali told me I could take one or two a day it was up to me. The pain got so much better. I still have stiffness, but out right pain is less frequent.

The tired comes and goes. The pain comes and goes. I'll try to make notes and see if I can figure what triggers the pain and the tired. I'll do my own CSI work. My joints are the crime scene.

It's mine. It's here and I don't think it's going anywhere. At my last visit the dr told me to get some sun to help my skin and something else to do with my Vitamin D. And she said I would have less pain if I lost weight. I so knew this was coming and I needed something to push me. I have an appointment with her in 4 months. We made a deal that I would lose 10lbs. I got that no problem. I'm shooting for 20.
