Sunday, June 21, 2009

My Knuckles Are Getting Worse

My knuckles are getting worse. They were so "hot" this weekend, I actually got some ice water and soaked my hands. Interesting thing, my hands cooled off, but my knuckles continued to burn.

I also noticed psoriasis on my elbow. And I have wart type things on my fingers. They aren't your typical "I kissed frog" warts, but sometime back that's what the dr. told me they were. They look more like blisters or the start of a callous. They eventually crack, peel and go away - after some pain and discomfort.

I have an appointment with the dr. late July, I may see if I can move it up.

I did knit a lot of lace this weekend. I guess that could be a contributing factor.


  1. You need to see the doctor sooner rather than later. I waited with my thumb and the joint was destroyed. There are drugs called biologics that can stop the inflamation before the dsease leaves you with no knuckles.

  2. You need to see a doctor quickly. I waited with my thumb and lost the joint. There is a whole new generation of drugs called biologics that can stop the disease progression before it destroys your knuckles. The disease can move very quickly so fast action is important.

