Monday, June 8, 2009

No News is Good News

So that must mean bad news if I'm writing.

Not so much bad, but something to note so I'll remember when I go to visit the Dr. My hands have been achy in the mornings. Almost like I'm sleeping with my fists clenched all night. I'm not even sure achy is the right word. It's just they are more noticably there.

It's hard to explain. You know you have feet, you know they are there, but when you are laying in bed, you don't "feel" them. Unless, of course, something is hurting them. But I know my hands are there because I can "feel" something going on with them. It's my knuckles really. On a scale of 1 to 10 it's a 2, more of an annoyance then pain, but it concerns me.

There's a burning feeling, sometimes it's an icy burn, but it is not strong.

The thing that's throwing me this time is I haven't really been working with my hands. When I pull weeds or garden or knit for long periods of time, I'm expect this feeling. But I noticed this Saturday morning and nothing had happened the prior week that would cause me to feel this.

I noticed at the end of last week I was tired. Tired blood tired. Similar to when I first started my PA journey. The medicine has made me feel pretty normal. I started thinking OK, what's changed.

  1. It's gotten hot. I figured heat would be better than cold, but maybe not.
  2. I've not been as faithful about taking my vitamins. The lack of B and iron could increase the fatigue, but would that make my joints hurt.
  3. I was STRESSED for the two to three weeks prior and last week was not stressful. Maybe the let down of a non-stressful week let the "bad" creep in.
  4. We've also not had a restful weekend for about 6 weeks. There's always something going on. Fortunately I've felt like going and doing. I would not have felt like that a year ago. But maybe I'm wearing myself out.

I guess I need to be a better blogger and see what I can track.

I went to bed at 8pm last night so I feel pretty good today.

What happened this weekend. JJ's graduation party Friday night, all morning lawn mowing Sat. Pedro and Margret's babyshower 5pm-9pm, Crystal and Ricky 9pm to 1:30am, Breanna Sunday, at the hospital to see Marshall's Dad, then grocery shopping and home to unpack it while Marshall took Daniel home. No wonder we went to be at 8pm. Not a minute to rest.

I'm hoping for a more relaxing weekend next weekend.

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