Friday, June 26, 2009

It's Official - It's a Flare

I mentioned my symptoms to a friend with RA at knitting Tuesday and she said I was a having a flare. I know what that means, but I wasn't sure what to do.

I decided to call the Dr. and move my appointment. They got me in today. The Dr. confirmed it's a flare. At first she was saying, "it's the weather." Then she told me it's a flare. Come to find out the weather can cause a flare.

I'm a bit hesitant to self medicate because I'm just not sure what I'm doing, but the doctor encouraged me to manage this myself. She gave me a steroid shot to jump start the process and said if the pain doesn't go away in a couple of days to take 20mg of P two mornings in a row. She also suggested this for the future. Anytime I feel a flare coming on.

She took blood and I'm scheduled to go back in 3 months.

I hope this stops the pain because pain = joint degeneration and I don't want that.

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