Sunday, August 2, 2009

Up, Down, Up, Down

I'm predicting a flare, but I'm hoping I'm wrong. This one caused by stress and being tired.

We drove to Mom and Dad's Friday, took the long way through Stillwater (memory lane) so it took 7 hours. Once we got to Mom and Dad's the dogs were ridiculous. Baby Girl drooled all over the place because she was scared of the other dogs. Most under 10lbs. So I've was worried about her.

Sleep was rough Friday night on a hard, double bed. I napped until noon Saturday - ridiculous. Then in a cranky, lack of Diet Coke induced fog, I went to town. Fortunately, I got mostly done what I needed to do because around 3pm Marshall called and his Dad died (not unexpectedly, but still difficult). Rush to see Grandma (97 and still kicking) then home to quickly pack, then 6 hours of silence to get back to Big D.

Stop off at Marshall's dad's house at 10:30pm. Dogs were much better. Most people were cried out. Except Marshall. Home at midnight. TIRED. Up at 6am. I really wanted to go with Marshall to the funeral home, but he understands. At least he says he does. I don't know what to do. There is such a group of people going.

Marshall really wants the boys here. Don't know if FA is going to cooperate. It's going to be a blood bath if the boys don't get to be part of the funeral.

When is the funeral? Don't know.

Work is busy. Family comes first.

Stress, whine, tired. Yup, I feel a flare coming on.

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