Monday, August 31, 2009

No Monday Blues

No Monday blues today. I actually feel great. My hands are little sore, but I'm busy at work and I feel like I'm accomplishing things.

I was an emotional basket case this weekend. This sounds familar. I need to check my blog a couple of weeks ago to see if I can find a correlation.

I cried in the middle of Petsmart because of the adoptable puppies. I cried when I got home because I was tired. I woke up from my nap CRANKY and wanted to cry for no reason.

I didn't want to go to church on Sunday, but went anyway, then cried because I didn't want to be there.

I wasn't mad at God or DH. I was just mad. Thanks to both for being patient with me.

4.5 days to vacation.

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Experiment - Day 12

I didn't even wait until today to take the P. I started it yesterday. I was really hoping 20mg would fix the issue, but looks like I'll need another 20 today.

Getting back on the Celebrex apparently doesn't fix a flare once it's started. On one hand I really want to give my body time to work on the flare, but I understand (I think) that joints could be in the process of being deformed every minute I allow the flare to go on. So I broke down and took the meds.

I have figured out I have to take Celebrex twice a day. Even my feet and ankles started hurting on the one a day. That seemed to get better by just increasing the dosage back to two pills a day.

I also have psoriasis on my elbows. Both of them. It's worse on the left than the right. The left is the one that usually gets it. I think that came about Monday or Tuesday.

I'm having less stomach trouble by taking the Celebrex with food.

If I do another test, it will be to see about a 2-1 schedule for the Celebrex. 2 one day and 2 the next. But that's a while away. I got get my body back in order.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Experiment - Day 7

Well, it's possible I'm working up to a flare. I woke up Saturday and my hands hurt a little. Could also be because I slept longer than usual. It felt really good to sleep in.

I went ahead and took a morning Celebrex to see if that work help. It certainly didn't hurt.

It's weird though because I wake up and my hands are curled up like they are trying to make a fist and my knuckles are burning. I'm not clenching my fists, it's just that this seems to be the "natural" position. Sort of a default position. I try to lay my hands out on the bed or may leg open, but when I wake up again it's back to the fist. I don't pay much attention to their position when they don't hurt. I guess I need to.

Right now, I'm holding to one Celebrex a day. If by Wednesday I still have the slight burn, I'll go back to two Celebrex a day. If by Saturday, I still have the slight burn, I'll do the P.

It's another cranky Monday. Apparently no amount of weekend rest can prepare me for 5:30am Monday morning.

Friday, August 21, 2009

Experiment - Day 4

Still feeling good. I'm a little tired today, but it's Friday, that's nothing new.

My eyes are driving me nuts today. Could be allergies. I'm out of my allergy medicine, but I'm picking it up after work. Hopefully that will help.

Overall, I'm in a good mood and looking forward to the weekend.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Experiment - Day 3

I'm in a much better mood today. I think resting from walking on Wednesday really helps. I felt better yesterday and didn't mind walking today.

No pain yet. It appears cutting the Celebrex is not having an affect. My stomach hasn't been bothering me either. That's good news.

I've also cut my intake of iron. Not completely, but to only what I'm getting in a multiple vitamin. We'll see what that does.

Just noting, I have a calf cramp today that is just lingering. It's not bad, but on verge. Like it could knot up any minute. Not sure what's going on there. I'm not taking P right now.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

A Little Experiment - Day 1

I feel like I've been very whiny lately. I'm still cranky, but I'm not going to focus on that now.

Over the weekend, I realized my stomach regularly bothers me after meals (starts out whiny), then I read an article or saw something on the internet or TV about NSAIDs causing stomach problems. Actually, I think it was a commercial for Celebrex that got me thinking, then I did some research.

Come to find out, Celebrex can cause stomach problems. So, I decided to cut back to one Celebrex a day for a while to see if my stomach issues go away and if cutting back will affect my PA.

I skipped my pill this morning and so far so good. HaHa.

I also read that taking Celebrex with food is better. I've been taking it in the morning long before breakfast. And before bed, long after dinner. I'm going to try taking it with food and see if that helps.

I'm sticking to the two a day regime for the Plaquinal. Need to renew my script for P in case this experiment goes awry.

Now for the crankiness, it's not DH, it's not really work. I think I just need a break. Sure wish it was cool enough to go camping.

Monday, August 17, 2009

Second Monday in a Row

This is the second Monday in a row that I would say I have the "Monday Blues." I'm exhausted and we didn't do anything this weekend that would warrant that. I didn't take the dogs for a long walk, I did take a long nap on Saturday. Sunday was pleasant, things to do, but not rushed and restful at the end. I made serious knitting progress.

I do not understand why I woke up this morning on the wrong side of the bed.

I tend to miss my vitamins on the weekend. I've about convinced myself that the exhaustion comes about when I don't take my iron. But can you miss a day or two and go that far south that fast?

Something to think about.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Feeling Good

I think I have a touch of the Monday blues, but all in all, I feel excellent. No pain, not tired. I'm happy - satisfied with life. It's all good.

I made it through the stress of the funeral with no flare. Granted it wasn't my father that passed away, but I could have let DH stress me out, but I didn't.

Exercise if going well. Got new shoes. Work is busy, but not overwhelming.

Definitely counting my blessings.

Monday, August 3, 2009

No Flare Yet

The folks at work have been so understanding about my being off with DH.

The flare may not materialize. I've been a real slug and I think the rest may have paid off. I've got no burning in my joints. That is such good news. Now to focus on getting my energy back and being there for my hubby.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Up, Down, Up, Down

I'm predicting a flare, but I'm hoping I'm wrong. This one caused by stress and being tired.

We drove to Mom and Dad's Friday, took the long way through Stillwater (memory lane) so it took 7 hours. Once we got to Mom and Dad's the dogs were ridiculous. Baby Girl drooled all over the place because she was scared of the other dogs. Most under 10lbs. So I've was worried about her.

Sleep was rough Friday night on a hard, double bed. I napped until noon Saturday - ridiculous. Then in a cranky, lack of Diet Coke induced fog, I went to town. Fortunately, I got mostly done what I needed to do because around 3pm Marshall called and his Dad died (not unexpectedly, but still difficult). Rush to see Grandma (97 and still kicking) then home to quickly pack, then 6 hours of silence to get back to Big D.

Stop off at Marshall's dad's house at 10:30pm. Dogs were much better. Most people were cried out. Except Marshall. Home at midnight. TIRED. Up at 6am. I really wanted to go with Marshall to the funeral home, but he understands. At least he says he does. I don't know what to do. There is such a group of people going.

Marshall really wants the boys here. Don't know if FA is going to cooperate. It's going to be a blood bath if the boys don't get to be part of the funeral.

When is the funeral? Don't know.

Work is busy. Family comes first.

Stress, whine, tired. Yup, I feel a flare coming on.
