Sunday, January 3, 2010

Darn the Cold Weather

It's been unseasonably cold here in lovely Texas. Over my two week vacation, we've had snow and rain and wind. I managed to walk most morning regardless of the weather, but I have to think the weather is doing a number on my hands.

This time it's my thumbs. On a scale of 1 to 10 it's probably a 4, but it is so annoying. Occasionally when I try to pick up something heavy, I have to re-think it or make a special effort to hold on tight because it hurts a bit.

I guess it's possible my knitting is contributing to the problem. I did get more of that done during my time off. But the doctor said knitting is good for me. It's keep things moving.

No burning this time, just aching. And not my knuckles, they are doing fine.

My hips, ankles and feet are about the same. If I sit too long, it takes a couple of steps to warm up. Usually no more then a 6 to 10 ft.

Back to work tomorrow. Back to a routine. Back to getting my water in daily. No more rich, holiday food. Hopefully I can drop a few pounds and take the pressure off my lower body.

Do I have a resolution for 2010? Oh, of course, to lose weight, but I also want to strength train. I used to do it. I have a set of weights. I just need to do it. I'm also going to do daily bible reading. Heal from the inside as well.

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