Monday, July 27, 2009

Feeling So Much Better Today

Even though it's rainy outside, I'm feeling good today. No stiffness to speak of, no burning knuckles.

It was a productive although not particularly restful weekend. In fact Saturday, I was a bit of an emotional mess. Crying for no reason in the middle of the grocery store. I think I was just tired.

I slept late on Sunday, late for me, and drank coffee with Marshall on the back porch before heading to church to refill my spiritual tank. I ended up going to the 11:30 service because on my way out of the neighborhood, Monica caught me and told me Michelle had tried to commit suicide. Come to think of it I was an emotional mess on Sunday too. Mostly because I'm not sure how to deal with that kind of information and honestly, I'm not that close to the family. I prayed.

Last night was good. The storm came in, the cable went out, and I went to bed at 8:45pm. I got plenty of sleep. Maybe that's why I'm so good today.

Friday, July 24, 2009

Tired...So Tired

I took 20mg of P last night to see if I could kick this flare. I'll take another 20mg tonight in hopes it will be gone. I do think the pain is better today, but I'm exhausted. Could be walking 4 days in a row and working long hours this week though.

Other things to note with this flare
itchy eyes got better when I took the P. They've been driving me crazy this week.
it's green pill week, but I didn't get the usual headache.
rainy-ish weather this week.
Cooler weather overall
Hectic at work and a bit stressful

Thursday, July 23, 2009

I Think It's Another Flare

My knuckles are burning again. Just started in the last couple of days. I also noticed Ps on my elbows Saturday.

After the last dose of P. I noticed I wasn't as tired and my mood was much better. I'd been in such a funk. When the flare ended so did the funk.

I noticed this week the funk is coming back as the week wears on.

Saturday we had a run in with a dog. The dog attached Baby Girl and it was very stressful. It was almost like the Ps popped up on my way home. Then the painful knuckles. Don't know if that stressful event caused it, but I'm making note.

We didn't walk Monday, but now we've four days straight and that makes me tired. That could be contributing as well.

I'll take P tonight to try to knock it out. I'm not messing around this time.

I'm empowered to take care of myself.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

I'm Feeling Better

Even with the stress covering for Courtney last week, I'm feeling better this week. I took the P and the pain subsided some. Last week I noticed I was tired. I haven't been taking my iron and B-12 the way I should so I started those back up last week and it seemed to help. Even this morning when I was in the shower I thought, "I might have the energy to go to knitting tonight." That's when I knew something was helping.

This past weekend was very nice. Even though we were out and about, I was relaxed. I didn't want to just sit at home and that is a fabulous feeling. When I came back to work, I was rested.

That's nice.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Took the P

I am exhausted today. Exhausted. Like I haven't been in a while. That and the burning in my knuckles pushed me to go ahead and take the 20mg of P. I'm really hoping that will knock this out.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Making Progress - Sort Of

I'm making progress, but I'm far from pain free. I've decided to hit the 20mg of P for the next two days. I'm not sure what I expect, but I don't think I'm there.

GerryG, thanks for the comment. I'm new at this and need all the help I can get. Fortunately, I'm not to the point where I need a biologic yet and I want to keep it that way.
