Monday, October 19, 2009

The Weather Kicked My Butt

We had almost an entire month of rainy or overcast weather. It wreaked havoc on my PA. I didn't get the burning in my knuckles. This time it was my knees, ankles and foot bones that took a hit.

The pain in the lower half of my body is different from the burning in my knuckles. It's more of an ache. Sometimes I don't think of it as a PA thing. I thought it had more to do with the shoes I wore walking. But I finally had enough so I took several doses of P and I was 95% better in the first 24 hours. I took two pills for two days, and 1 pill yesterday. I'll take another today and then cut to half a pill, then half a pill ever other day. I really want this pain to go away this time.

I'm not sure what the M is doing. I would say not as much as I would like since I have to take the P, but maybe I just need to give it time.

To be honest, this sucks.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Upgraded to the M

Saw the Dr on Tuesday, 9/29. She wasn't as pleased with the last 4 months as I was.

I left her office last time empowered to help myself if a flare came along. I knew that when it happened I should take 20mg of P for two days. I did it three times in the last 4 months and I was proud. I'd managed my PA.

When she asked how things were going I told her my story. Turns out I wasn't managing my PA, I was managing my flares. In truth, we don't want any flares.

She decided to upgrade me to M - chemo for arthritis.

Then she asked how often I'm taking Celebrex. Twice a day. If I don't, my bones pay for it. I get very sore. She wasn't too happy about that either. When she heard I had to take Celebrex twice a day, she said she didn't feel bad about putting me on M.

Although I picked up the prescription on Wednesday, I just took it today. It's a weekly drug so I wanted to take it on a day that felt logical to me. The weekend seemed right. I'm also a little afraid of a reaction. DH was away this weekend, I waited until Sunday when I know he will be back. This way if I have a reaction, he will be around to help. I'm headed to church so hopefully it will happen before church or long after so I'm not in the middle of the service if it hits.

I was sad Tuesday. I feel like I just took a step up the ladder. At the top are the biologic drugs. I don't want that, but I just went a rung closer.
